Thursday, June 28, 2012

Holder in Trouble

The House has been devoting much of its legislative session this Thursday to debating Holder's role in "Operation Fast and Furious," which was aimed at following guns being purchased in Arizona to determine whether they flowed into Mexico for use by drug cartels. The Obama administration has done little but "hide, deny and stonewall" in dealing with a House probe of Fast and Furious. It's actions are compared to former President Richard Nixon's during the 1970s Watergate scandal.  The fight between the Obama administration and House Republicans is over the release of a series of documents dating from February 4, 2011.  If Congress ultimately finds that they were hiding some important information related to Fast and Furious, the high-stakes fight could jeopardize the jobs of some top Justice Department officials.  It's possible emails and other communications being withheld might spell out more detail on the role of top Justice Department officials, especially after they discovered the law enforcement operation had gone bad.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I've had enough and it's not even November yet.  I get my fill of these political ads on TV and radio, which hones the slanderous nature of each candidate.  It's full of crap and that's what it's always been full of.  I see all this money being spent to get our attentions about how they will run the office of President.  Bullshit is what I hear and a bunch of lies.  Why haven't we been able to come up with someone who will actually run the office for the American people instead of feathering their nest with our money when they take office?  I look at all the beautiful people who are going to these "White House" functions and realize that the middle class would look so out of place in their "thrift store" clothes.  The same clothes that many rich people cast off in order to go and have more designed to keep up with the latest fashions.  The American Way is letting down the actual people who are out here working and making an honest days living.  This is a number of people who are daily dwindling, because there are no jobs.  How is it that we can feel safe and sure about either candidate, we have to choose from?  I say nay.........