Friday, October 6, 2017

A Comment

The left has been at this for decades. They thought they had it all after they managed to elect Obama for 2 terms and were certain Hillary was a cinch. But Trump and the American voters threw a wrench into their party. Hillary lost and now the Democrats are desperate. They will do anything they can think of to discredit and take down this President. What happens to this country is irrelevant to them. If America goes down the drain that is collateral damage. They will make up stories, pay anarchists to riot and loot, go on tv shows with left wing hosts and try to humiliate the Trump family and try to change history to fit their propaganda. The only Democrat that I trusted was Joe Lieberman and guess what, they threw him under the bus because he was unwilling to engage in all their TREASONOUS activities.

I borrowed this comment I found, and believe it to be true in every sense of the words......