Friday, January 29, 2010

A Long Term Position

My husband has been trying to find an established company that will be able to help him with his experience.  He's not a blue collar worker that works to make the companies products available to the sales departments.  He is the one who makes sure the companies run properly and manages many different lines of communications.  The companies are sure to have a good employee, because of his management skills.  The economy has cost so many people their jobs and left beneficial employees floundering without work.  It's necessary for many CEO's to depend on certain  Interim Management  companies to help them find employees like my husband.  I've looked around the internet and so has he.  It is hard to find the right company to list your credentials with and become an established company executive.  I find the financial industry is slowly expanding, and therefore there aren't many positions available for hire.  Our finances have been very tight since the economy slumped and we have had to cut back on many things we once were able to enjoy.  It is our hope that the year 2010 will bring fortune our way and put us back on our financial feet once again.

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