Wednesday, December 26, 2012


How is it that we have come down to this crap?  People are loosing their minds and taking it out on innocent others.  It's a horrible thing to go to school and be killed at such young ages.  It's bad to be a fireman, answer a call to burning homes, and be shot when you arrive.  I realize that people are hurting, but killing because you are hurting, doesn't change a thing.  It makes things worse, and people afraid to try and have a normal life. 
You have no idea whether or not you will return home from a shopping spree?  You don't know if someone will break into your home, rob you and kill you?  Things are crazy and that makes people fear.  Fear can cause people to react in a different manner than they would normally. 
How can things get better?  I honestly don't know!

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