Sunday, December 16, 2012


I don't know if there are others who are having these questions, like I have or not?  I have this question about the Security Plan that was supposed to be in effect at the "Sandy Hook School"?  From the information the news media has given, we are led to believe that someone should have been able to see this person had a weapon?  It is reported that he forced his way into the school?  If there was a locked door and you had to ring a bell, plus be recognized or issue ID and sign in, then what happened? 
Yes, his mother worked there from time to time.  But why would he have a reason to go there if his mother wasn't working that day?  News reports tell us that he shot her at home?  Then he drove to the school and forced his way in.  If the Security Plan was being implemented in the manner they suggest, then how did he force his way in?  This matter hasn't been explained to the public people and I have questions about it.  Maybe, I'm being overly critical about this but a Security Plan, is exactly that.

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