Monday, December 21, 2009

Health Care.......

Our government has been so busy with this Health Care Bill they are trying to pass.  The Democrats and Republicans are fighting back and forth about different issues.  It's going to take some time for them to unravel the intricate details, and move forward with a lucrative health care plan, that will be suitable for all involved.  The American people are worried about how this will affect them, and how they are going to be able to afford certain aspects of the plan.  I don't understand much of it and believe there will still be too much fine print to sort out.
Medicare, seems to be a major topic along with the abortion guidelines.  I wonder how they will fit any Health Mental Health stipulations into this thing?  One Senator has gone to the extreme of pushing a protest by strowing a long row of paper up the steps of the Senate Building.  I assume this means we are looking at a huge set of guidelines that determine what will become of our personal healthcare. 
I'm one who is very healthy and don't need anything to use.  Who needs all this stuff, if you never go to the doctor?  I would go, if I felt I was too sick to handle whatever it was at home, with over the counter products and good common sense.  I believe it's my choice how my health is taken care of, and not the governments.

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